Introduction To Volvo Loader CE L150H

The Volvo loader CE L150H display a filter system that admit 90% of the cab air to be cleaned by a pre-filter that keep larger particles from dust. According to the loader product manager, Stefan Solomonsson, these machinery brings all the dust out. He also says that Volvo company has send a concern of G loader Series buyers over the in-cab display screen. Now, even in bright sunlight, the screen is very easy to see. The Tier 4 Final L150H, with a 300-horsepower DI3J engine, needs the used of DEF, which is used at the rate of 3-5% for one gallon of diesel, rely upon the application. As long as you fill both at the same time, the DEF and the fuel tank, you would not run out of DEF.

Volvo Loader

Fuel economy is balance between the components of the machine. Getting free of the drag in transmissions and axles and using intelligent hydraulic systems are some of the ways you can achieve that balance. The loading sensing hydraulics allow you to operate at lower rpms and do exactly the same things that require 2.200 rpms.

L150H Volvo loader start the shift by changing on the ground level switch, and quickly turning the transmission and hydraulic oil levels, shown on 2 gauges placed near the steps climbing up to the cab. When operations get in motion, an boom suspension system helps take out the grind and bump of the jobsite, reducing bucket spillage and creating a much comfortable ride.

Aimed at lowering fuel consumption, the automatic and fully automatic power shift functions adjust fears to sync with travel and engine speed. The reverse by braking function applies the brakes automatically when the driver changes the location of the loader, a system aimed at further lowering stress and fuel consumption on the drive-train. The OptiShift technology of Volvo loader machinery is used to make a direct drive between the transmission and engine, which eliminates power losses and reduces duel consumption by more than 18%. In addition, the eco-pedal of the loader uses a mechanical push-back power to stimulate operator to ease off the throttle. The entire structure of the can tilts 30-70% for additional access. The H Series, which includes the 373-horsepower L220 and 334-horsepower L180, has a new electronic platform.